The scandal that is 11,000 empty MOD houses
a scandal it is that more than 11,000 Ministry of Defence homes across the UK
are sitting empty, costing the taxpayer (that’s you and me) more than £25m a
year in rent and maintenance?
MOD says it is doing its best to reduce the numbers but has to budget for
thousands of service family house moves every year.
of the current situation appears to be the 1996 sale and leaseback deal between
the MoD and Annington Property Limited
of over 55,000 residential properties.
MoD agreed to rent homes back from the property company for 200 years. Yes,
that’s right, 200 years.
I realise the MOD needs some “spares” for when members of the forces and their
families have to move in a hurry but surely not 11,000 properties.
homelessness situation faced by some members of the general public is at crisis
point and the government appears to be ignoring a way to help ease that
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