Thursday, 13 August 2020

That Nostradamus has got nothing on me
It seems I am something of a 21st century Nostradamus. Now my reader may think that is a bold, and possibly outrageous, statement but I have the proof.
Some years ago a friend, and former business partner, suggested I start a blog as “you have a unique and humorous way of writing”.
Assuming that was a compliment I started to put my random and rambling thoughts in writing.
All I needed was a catchy title. But I just couldn’t think of anything.
Then BIL, my brother-in-law, told me that I needed to get out more after what I thought was a stimulating and terribly interesting chat about pros and cons of various brands of wood stain. Yes, really.
That was a lightbulb moment and I Don’t Get Out Much was born.
And here I am, five months after the initial COVID-19 lockdown, not getting out much. Told you so.

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