Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Hobson’s choice maybe but please make it the right one

Please, please, please let me wake up tomorrow morning to find the lesser of two poor choices elected as the next President of the US of A.
I can’t take a repeat of the 2008 crash in the financial markets should Donald Trump win.
After all, a man who can insult all Muslims, objectify women and say all Mexicans are bandits must be the most unsuitable candidate ever.
Hopefully a majority of Americans will agree that a poor choice is better than a dangerous one.
Nearly 250 million adults to choose from and you end of with these two. You couldn’t make it up.

I now appear to have two readers. My piece on the football Poppy ban attracted a few supportive comments, including the following which I thought I should share.
Dear Sir
I entirely agree with your poppy tirade.
I cannot understand why anyone bothered to ask FIFA in the first place; their credibility is so low that ask them anything is surely a sign of an overwhelming sense of inferiority and insecurity on the part of the enquirer.
In defence of FIFA, the Swiss were totally unaware of the two world wars, peace-loving innocents simply mystified by distant rumbling sounds accompanied by sudden influxes of money and works of art from people whose names were entirely composed of numerical digits.
The FIFA management today does its best to continue that tradition, by accepting donations regardless of the colour, creed or political affiliation of the anonymous donor, even going to the inconvenience of keeping the funds at home whenever the banks are closed for business.
What selfless behaviour! I have nothing but admiration for a nation that has deliberately moved away from its original global-warming manufacturing roots in the clock industry, to a fully service-based way of life.
Mrs Thatcher would be popping out of her grave shouting ‘Cuckoo’ had they done anything else.
Yours sincerely
Sir Herbert Gussett

I have also had a response to my parish magazine editing post:
Regarding your magazine editing, I have ‘done’ our local one for many years, and the standard has slipped a little with the introduction of worm processing and spell Czechs.
It did not detect my incorrect typing of ‘Birch Women’s Institute’ (‘R’ being unfortunately next to ’T’ on my keyboard).
Worse, in some ways, this year I unwittingly consigned our old folks club to a day trip to Wrexham and Dulwich, the machine having decided that Wroxham was not such fun, and that Dunwich did not exist (for which, the original town now being largely under the North Sea, there is perhaps some excuse). A coach trip of some 400 miles instead of the 150 intended. At least it makes reading more fun!

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