Monday, 27 June 2016

Bolted. The. Horse. Has. Door. Close. Stable. After. The.

It seems there are some people in Britain who just don’t understand what it means to live in a democracy.
At the time of writing, more than three million people have signed a petition calling for a second EU referendum. I have been informed about it over the last few days by numerous Facebook posts and emails.
WARNING – you may be offended by what I say next.
What planet are the people signing this petition living on? Rearrange the words in the headline on this post and my feelings are clear - the Great British public has spoken and we now have to live with the decision. Whether we like it or not.
And we have to work together to make the best of it.
The petition has attracted a lot of attention but has no chance of being enacted because it is asking for retrospective legislation. What sort of country would we have if that started to happen?
The sort where if you don’t agree with a democratic process you use any means to get your way?
Be afraid – very afraid.
The irony of this whole petition thing is that it was apparently set up by a Brexiter who was concerned the Remainers would triumph. He now claims the Remainers have hijacked it.
I know I’m weird but I just love it when this sort of thing happens. I’d be laughing if it wasn’t so serious.

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