Monday, 20 April 2015

Motoring muppetry is alive and well

I am back from the Easter break feeling refreshed but still slightly grumpy, my reader will be pleased to hear.
SWMBO and I had a good break, catching up with family and friends from far and wide, and Saffron Walden.
It has meant a bit of driving around, in my now well-established old man motoring style, as my brother-in-law describes it.
Just because I don’t fly around everywhere at 90mph, sorry, a legally-binding 70mph, he thinks I’ve joined the ranks of the Harold and Hildas who hog the middle or outside lane because the inside land is for “lorries only”.
During our travels, we came across some prime examples of motoring muppetry.
Like the drivers, and there really were several of them in these parts over the Easter break, who think it is safe and quite normal to drive…..wearing their headphones.
I have to admit that I do have my James Last cd up at volume 15 while navigating the local roads but I can still hear a warning car horn. In fact, I have heard several recently.
And then there was the blonde woman in her personalised-number-plated Range Rover who I kindly let cross the busy highway and who then proceeded to sweep over with all the importance of a Gulf state Sheikh – you know the sort; they think us plebs have a duty to let them through and don’t deserve a small thank you.
What’s wrong with a friendly thank-you wave? Ah, using both hands to text Chardonnay, were we?
Good manners never hurt anyone, love.
Oh dear. Saying “love” is probably unacceptable in some parts these politically correct days.
So, just to prove I am as pc as the next bloke, here’s a little tale for you. Apparently the British Border Agency is asking the general public to be on the lookout for a red 1951 Chevy that they suspect is being used to smuggle illegal immigrants from Calais to Dover, through the Channel Tunnel.
If you see the vehicle, pictured right, and have reason to believe that it is the suspect vehicle, you are urged to contact your local police immediately.
Thank you.

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